The fluent you

is a click away

do 14 lessons & infinite practice - for free

now testing the andriod!

How Kleo gets you speaking
Immersion designed by top language and tech experts. Building your confidence to go out and speak in the real world.
The magic of learning from a person meets the convenience of an app. A friend to practice with anytime, anywhere.
Real-time feedback and dynamically created lessons. Entire learning experience evolves just for you, every time.
Conversational learning
Personalized feedback
Anytime, anywhere practice
Optimized learning using AI
Less than a typical food delivery order
Conversational learning
Personalized feedback
Anytime, anywhere practice
Optimized learning using AI
Less than a typical food delivery order
See all that you can say
Experts and learners love Kleo
Building Kleo
Our Mission
We aim to cultivate connection through learning and conversation. Let’s get talking to each other. Kleo is the new way to learn languages. Your personal coach you can practice speaking with anytime and receive instant, personalized feedback. Without judgements or limits, Kleo gets you ready to speak in the real world.
Michiyo Kawasaki
Raised in a biracial and bilingual household, I have experienced the connection and also the separation that language can bring. I was inspired by my father’s ongoing struggles to improve his English and the impact this had on our family. Driven to create a powerful solution to unleash the joy of succeeding and connecting through language.
Michael Bachuri
As a first-generation American, the language barrier always served as an obstacle to developing relationships with my loved ones. This now fuels my motivation to help solve this problem by using my passion for emerging and mobile technologies.
Luke Weidner
President of Engineering
With a grandmother who moved from Germany to America at the age of 16, I know how much more of a connection people can have when speaking to each other in a shared language. I'm so excited to share this gift of language with everyone through the Kleo experience.
Join Kleo and get speaking

now testing the andriod!